Create a vision for your future!

You must see your goals clearly and specifically, before you can set out for them.
Les Brown, Motivational Speaker
Personal Transformation Canvas©
Many people, young and old, do not have a clear vision about their future. This is not surprising as not many are being asked that question, or challenged on the answer. Many of us are not taught the importance of planning ahead and understanding the consequences of not doing so. Others have trouble seeing the big picture and breaking it down in smaller pieces, or they lack the self-confidence.
Because people don’t plan ahead, they end up having regrets, or in outright trouble: they end up with the wrong education, in the wrong job, passions not pursued, in debt, or going into retirement with no hobbies or no social circle.
After years of hearing sad examples and thinking about what I can do to help people, I have developed the Personal Transformation Canvas©, a holistic one-page overview to help individuals imagine a vision for their life, and then determine milestones and immediate actions to start making this vision a reality.

The Personal Transformation Canvas© covers 5 main pieces of your life:

Education & Career

Personal Finance & Legal considerations

You: your own health & wellness, your hobbies

Others around you: your social life, family, friends

Giving back to the community, your purpose in life
Do YOU want to get in CONTROL of your LIFE & DESTINY? Do you want to create a VISION for your future? Then join one of my workshops and start building your FUTURE ! !
All workshops are online, interactive group-sessions:
Introduction to Life Planning and the Personal Transformation Canvas©.
Think critically about your BIG Goals in life and your WHY.
How to achieve your goals? Define your Actions: the things you can start doing now, or need to do in the near future.
Some workshops feature a Guest Speaker: an expert on a topic like Personal Finance, Health, Nutrition or Career Transition
After my workshop you will:
The basics of a crystal-clear vision of your future, using the Personal Transformation Canvas©
Have defined some immediate actions to start making your vision a reality
Know strategies for setting goals and evaluating choices
Know how to keep the momentum going
"For anyone who wants help planning and goal setting, I highly recommend you attend this workshop. Jaap Siekman has personally helped me find clarity and transform my overwhelm into excitement ! "
- Cameron Lee David

Practical notes:
All sessions will be through Zoom.
Sessions will be interactive and active participation is encouraged!
Break-out rooms may used to facilitate discussion between small groups of participants
Preferably, participants are able to use Powerpoint: a template in Powerpoint of the Personal Transformation Canvas© will be provided for your own use during and after the course. Alternatively, participants can print the Canvas and fill it out by hand.
Don't want to wait till the next workshop?
Group sessions are not for you and you prefer a personal approach?
and receive attention that is private & confidential, and 100% dedicated to your own special situation!
You drive the agenda, but typically we discuss the following:
Your biggest concerns, hurdles, questions
Review, discuss your goals, consider the interdependencies between your goals in the various pieces of your canvas
Brainstorm, review, discuss immediate actions to get things moving