Personal Transformation Canvas workshop – Wed Feb 23, 8 – 10 AM PST


Personal Transformation Canvas workshop – Wed Feb 23, 8 – 10 AM PST

Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $50.00.

Availability: 8 in stock

Start creating clarity your vision for your life. Define your goals and a plan to make it all happen!

Hurry: Max 8 participants !

Jaap Siekman business and life coach

About the presenter, Jaap Siekman MSc, PEng, PMP

Born in The Netherlands, Jaap (pronounced “Yaap”) is an Engineer by education and has worked in a wide variety of industries in Holland and Canada, up to Director level, and eventually went into consulting. As a Manager, he always enjoyed helping others to grow both in their profession and personally.

A Business Coach since 2019, Jaap works with Small-Business Owners in any stage of their business life: from young entrepreneurial start-ups, to established businesses, to baby-boomers preparing to sell & exit their business. He helps these owners with establishing their business, initiating growth, change or improvement, or improving value & sellability. In all cases, specific goal setting is a critical part of the work.

As a Life Coach, Jaap developed the Personal Transformation Canvas© in response to ever-repeating stories of people not knowing where they’re heading, struggling with money or health, and eventually ending up with regrets. Being the engineer, Jaap brings solution-based thinking to these discussions: rather than regurgitating the past, what can we change and do now to make life better?

Jaap is married, has 2 young-adult children. He stays active by going to the gym, running kayaking & bicycling, he plays drums and djembe, dabbles in hobbies like wood carving, pottery and cheese making. He has served as Volunteer Treasurer for community organizations in Surrey, BC, is an international Volunteer Advisor with the Canadian Executive Services Organization (CESO) and a Volunteer Mentor with Engineers & Geoscientists of BC (EGBC).

In this 2-hour interactive on-line workshop I will explain the power of  goal setting.
I'll introduce you to the Personal Transformation Canvas©. You'll start jotting down some ideas of what you want your future to look like, I'll help you ask yourself critical questions about your "WHY" of your goals.

We'll then start defining some actions you can start taking now.
We'll end with some strategies for follow-up and maintaining your momentum.
Clarity is everything: this workshop will be awesome ! ! !

"For anyone who wants help planning and goal setting, I highly recommend you attend this workshop. Jaap Siekman has personally helped me find clarity and transform my overwhelm into excitement!"
-   Cameron Lee David

What you will LEARN and DO

to Planning:

WHY is planning your future important?

How to create SMART Goals

Introduction to the 5 parts of the Personal Transformation Canvas©

Start working on
your own Canvas:

What is your Big Goal in life? And WHY?

Develop goals for the 5 pieces of your Canvas.

Which actions can you start taking to get you towards your goals?

At the end of this
session you will:

Have a good understanding of how the Personal Transformation Canvas© works

Have made a great start with thinking about your BIG goals and your WHY

Have defined a few actions you can start taking now

Have the knowledge & tools to keep working on your life's vision !

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